Tag: Relatech Industrial

  • 0x2A747-ii | Hyperway Station Construction Zone (Page 2)

    0x2A747-ii | Hyperway Station Construction Zone (Page 2)

    Datapedia ID: 0x2A747-ii While the site is still under construction and officially off-bounds, it is a favourite for unofficial races between rival Racer pilots. Corridors of huge spiralling fusion turbines provide expert-level obstacles. The station’s neon-lined circuit-like structure can make you wonder if the Relatech architects built a capacity for racing into its design so…


  • 0x2A747 | Hyperway Station Construction Zone

    0x2A747 | Hyperway Station Construction Zone

    Datapedia ID: 0x2A747 The Relatech Hyperway Station will be the core node in the Stellar Hyperway Network for “jumping” between planetary locations. Owned by Relatech Industries, the station is currently under construction. While the site is officially off-bounds, it is known as an active hotspot for unofficial races. The East Wing of the Station has…


  • 0x2A732 | The Asteroid Monotora

    0x2A732 | The Asteroid Monotora

    Datapedia ID: 0x2A732 The asteroid named Monotora is one of the youngest and smallest of the Ore Titans, though it is still 16.3 kilometres across. A huge rust-red mining base sits planted into one of its blue-grey craters. This base is the communal home of drone excavators from several usually competing corporations, including Relatech Industrial,…
