Tag: Genoti Family

  • 0x2A731 | [discovery_fragment]

    0x2A731 | [discovery_fragment]

    Datapedia ID: 0x2A731 [¹⁷¹⁶]nternally as the Gamma Zone due to it being the primary location of research for the Gamma Project. As its generators slowly power down, the lab’s once warm lighting grows di[₃₂₇₁] [⁴⁶³⁸]luding Rufus, the head scientist, and Ryon Jr, being the last two remaining at t[₆₁₇₀] [⁶⁵⁷²]ith his new biologically spliced strength,…


  • 0x2A729 | Abandoned Genoti Lab

    0x2A729 | Abandoned Genoti Lab

    Datapedia ID: 0x2A729 This abandoned lab hides deep in the ocean of Azurus, yet disconnected from the main Biochain. It was owned by the wealthy Genoti Family, though the father-and-son moguls haven’t been seen in quite some time. _download: 01-0x2A729-Abandoned-Genoti-Lab.wav_music-license: public-domain / cc0…
