0x2A74B | Windfields of Leviathan

Datapedia ID: 0x2A74B

Leviathan is a planet with multiple deep histories amongst its several cultural lineages. Megira Orion, for example, was a man originally from Raluhde who ended up forging a strong friendship with Matriarch Patria and the rest of the Sun Cave Village, and forming a cultural bridge. However, he is most famous in The Weave today for being the inventor of the wind-powered precursors to our now-fusion-powered Racers.

In the planet’s south, they still celebrate the birth of Racing with the Orion Wind Cup. Held on the Windfields of Leviathan across the same routes that were raced originally. These tracks lead pilots through the wide open windfields, through narrow valleys in the cliffs, and back out over a thin river running down from the north. It is said that, while these tracks provide much less challenge than the modern designs, they are healthy for a pilot’s soul.

_download: 23-0x2A74B-Windfields-of-Leviathan.wav
_music-license: public-domain / cc0