0x2A742-ii | Magma Refinery (Page 2)

Datapedia ID: 0x2A742-ii

Humans and androids live and work together equally on Pyron, but they don’t see themselves as separate. Human-born modify themselves with Plates, Genetic or other pragmatic Mods and become increasingly bioengineered. Android-born will often spend their earnings on sensory and emotional simulation upgrades to increase their depth of experience. The result is that all beings on Pyron consider themselves as neither just human or android, but as Synthesite.

These cultural values gave rise to Mod Shops (common slang for Modification Upgrade Workshops) where human-born and android-born can find and install upgrades. Each Mod Shop has its own specialty, but all are officially regulated and audited – contrary to the “backdoor mechanic” image that is commonly portrayed in science fiction. Each Magma Refinery has its own Mod Shop.

Additionally, all Synthesites follow the same naming tradition of 1 character for District of Origin, a 2-digit number for Season of Birth or Creation, and a 4-character personal identifier each individual chooses on their 15th birthday or makeday. Two notable examples of this are the IRF Racer Pilots O-24 LeTH (android-born) and Y-76 PHqO (human-born).

_download: 11-0x2A742-ii-Magma-Refinery-Page-2.wav
_music-license: public-domain / cc0